Incase anyone is still using these forums instead of the discord i would like to inform you that theres been a new anticheat for mohaa released!
(its been spammed on the discord by Slash allready but for those who do not have discord i post it here aswell)!!!!!!?p=32865#post32865

Feel free to check it out!

[Quick manual on installation & using]

1. Create an account on the website
2. Download the alphamac and unzip it to your desktop
3. Download the mohaa version (from that website) and place it on your desktop
4. Make a copy of your unnamedsoldier.cfg from your existing game folder and place it into that 'new' desktop folder mohaa main
5. run alphamac (make sure u run as admin + you set the WHOLE folder save in your antivirus) and select the desktop folder mohaa.exe
5a. If you need your app key, you can find it while logging in to the website and click on home -> generate APP key
6. Typ in the ip of the server you need/want to join and set a name and click on GO!

voila joining the server running alphamac!

7. Once you finish your game, just quit the server and upload the files... (i have the WORST upload speed and it still doesnt take me more then 15 secs) and then close the program.)

i do not own this anticheat nor am i in any way involved in creating it, this is just to reach out to as many people as possible!
Suggestions & other should be done by the website of alphamac directly towards the creator!