Match Ratings
Simian City Club Simian City Club by adRenaliN For a match played on 12 Apr 2020 at 00:55
2 Thumbs Down


n0name n0name by Juwel For a match played on 12 Apr 2020 at 01:14
2 Thumbs Down

SoundHack not allowed Real spec bugging inside red corridor, not allowed 9. Cheating and abuse Matches may be edited to a cancellation, no-show, forfeit loss or a win for the opponent - depending on the ladder rules and severity of the problem. A forfeit loss is the standard punishment for all violations unless the punishment is otherwise stated in the rules. It is not allowed to take advantage of or abuse bugs. Any kind of bug abuse is considered cheating and will lead to a forfeit loss, unless otherwise mentioned specifically in the game-related rules. thx bye

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